DIY Archives - Grooming Craze Grooming | Fitness | LifeStyle Sun, 21 Jun 2020 15:08:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 194895514 DIY TAN REMOVAL FACE MASK Sun, 05 Apr 2020 11:05:59 +0000 Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home1/thestory/ on line 143

हैलो दोस्तों, आज के blog में मैं आपको DIY MASK बनाना बताऊंगा जिससे आपका sun tan तो remove होगा ही साथ ही आपके चेहरे पर glow भी  आएगा। How To Make : Diy Mask बनाने के लिए हमें चाहिए होगी सिर्फ उरद दाल । उरद दाल आपके चेहरे के pores

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हैलो दोस्तों,
आज के blog में मैं आपको DIY MASK बनाना बताऊंगा जिससे आपका sun tan तो remove होगा ही साथ ही आपके चेहरे पर glow भी  आएगा।

How To Make :

  • Diy Mask बनाने के लिए हमें चाहिए होगी सिर्फ उरद दाल ।
  • उरद दाल आपके चेहरे के pores को clean करता है और excess oil भी remove करता है ।
  • उरद दाल आप कम से कम 100-200gms लीजिये ताकि एक महीना आराम से आप use कर पाएं। सबसे पहले हम उरद दाल को  grind करेंगे यानी mixer में पीसेंगे । उरद दाल को grind कर के हमें आटा (flour) फॉर्म में पीसना है।
  • उसके बाद एक air tight container में पीसी हुई दाल को store कर लीजिये।

Directions To Use :

  • जब आप नहाने जाइये तब आप इस diy mask को लगा सकते हैं ।
  • एक कटोरी(bowl) में पीसी हुई 2-3 tablespoon उरद दाल लीजिये और उसमे milk (दूध) डालिये।
  • दोनों को अच्छे से mix करके एक paste बना लीजिये।
  • अब अपने चेहरे पर इस पेस्ट को लगा दीजिये और जहाँ-जहाँ आपके tanning हुई है वहां भी लगा लीजिये।
  • 15-20minute के लिए mask को लगे रहने देना है ।
  • इसे हल्का सा पानी लगा कर अच्छे से scrub कीजिए ।
  • फिर उसको पानी से wash कर लीजिये ।
  • इस diy mask को आप week में दो बार लगा सकते हैं ।

उम्मीद है की आपको यह blog अच्छा लगा होगा। अपने दोस्तों से share ज़रूर करें। मैं YouTube पर grooming,fashion videos बनाता हूँ। आप चाहें तो Subscribe कर सकते हैं।
Youtube Channel : The Zahid Akhtar Vlogs

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5 BEST DIY Mists For Summers Tue, 17 Mar 2020 07:47:33 +0000 Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home1/thestory/ on line 143

Summers are all set to come and this is the time when your skin care game changes. Whatever is your skin type, you need a facial mist just to keep your skin refreshed, hydrated and rejuvenate it in summers. Here are 5 facial mists that you can make yourself and

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Summers are all set to come and this is the time when your skin care game changes. Whatever is your skin type, you need a facial mist just to keep your skin refreshed, hydrated and rejuvenate it in summers.

Here are 5 facial mists that you can make yourself and keep your skin fresh in summers. Remember to make a fresh batch every week to keep the freshness intact.
1. Rose mist : Boil some rose petals in filtered or distilled water and after it cools down, strain it and keep in a bottle. Add some crushed camphor to it for added benefits. Keep in fridge and spray whenever you need it.
2. Mint mist : This one is perfect for summers, specially oily skin. Soak some crushed mint leaves in water for 2 hours and then, boil them. After the water cools down, strain and store in a bottle. This one also helps in keeping your skin cool after you have spent time in the sun.
3. Lemon and Orange mist : Keep those lemon and orange peels handy and boil them in water. After the water cools down, strain and keep in fridge. This works perfectly on tanned skin and regular use helps in controlling tanning.
4. Neem and Tulsi mist : Add leaves of Neem and Tulsi in water, boil and make the mist. This is the best option to keep those pimples at bay as Neem is anti bacterial.
5. Cucumber mist : Crush 1 cucumber with 500 ml water in a blender and strain the juice. Store it in a spray bottle. This hydrates the skin specially after sun exposure.

You can add essential oils like peppermint, lavender or tea tree to these mists for added benefits. Also, you can add them to your face packs instead of water for some extra benefits.

Featured Image Source : Pexels

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5 Best Ways To Use AloeVera For Hair Fri, 21 Feb 2020 18:34:28 +0000 Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home1/thestory/ on line 143

When one talks about herbs for hair and skin, Aloe Vera is the most common one. It is the easiest herb to procure since you can grow the aloe vera plant in your home too. Also known as Grit kumari or Gwar Paatha, aloe vera is high in vitamins and

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When one talks about herbs for hair and skin, Aloe Vera is the most common one. It is the easiest herb to procure since you can grow the aloe vera plant in your home too. Also known as Grit kumari or Gwar Paatha, aloe vera is high in vitamins and is has high moisture content too. Read about how you can reap benefits from aloe vera for your hair.

Aloe Vera for Hair Care :

1. Soothes an itchy scalp :

Because of its anti inflammatory properties, aloe vera helps in soothing an itchy scalp. Apply aloe vera gel directly on your scalp and wash after 30 to 45 min.

2. Cleanses oily hair :

Aloe Vera gel is the best best for people with oily hair and dry scalp. The high moisture content is suitable to add moisture to the dry scalp, while the gel also helps in controlling the excess sebum or oil from your hair. Thus applying pure aloe gel after a shampoo as a conditioner can work wonders for oily hair. do remember to wash it off after 5 min.

3. Hair spray for dry hair :

As we all know that Aloe Vera has moisture content. It is also rich in Vitamin A, C and C. All these vitamins contribute towards making the hair stronger and better. Add aloe vera gel to distilled or rose water, add a capsule of Vitamin E and your favourite essential oil, pour it all in a spray bottle and Voila, your hair spray is ready. Use it whenever your hair feels too dry or frizzy and this will leave your hair soft and tangle free.

4. Aloe vera hair mask for all types of hair :

This can be your safest and best hair mask, whatever your hair type be. Scoop out some fresh aloe gel and add some curd to it. Blend the two together and you have a perfect mask for hair and scalp. Apply and wash after 30 min for soft silky hair.

5. Aloe hair mask for heat treated hair :

If your hair has been abused by heat, this one is for you. Scoop aloe gel and add honey and some milk to it. Apply the mixture to your hair and scalp, keep it for 45 min while keeping your hair covered with a shower cap, and wash off with a mild shampoo. Use it more often for repairing your hair.

Do check out this video for making aloe vera gel at home. And if you are buying the gel, prefer the non colored ones as the green colored gels are high on chemicals.

Stay happy and stay groomed.

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DIY Rice Water for Hair and Skin Thu, 23 Jan 2020 08:33:59 +0000 Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home1/thestory/ on line 143

There has been a lot of hue and cry about Korean Skin care in recent times. The Koreans are known for their awesome skin and lovely hair. But not many people know that one of the biggest secrets for their skin and hair is one simple ingredient – Rice Water. 

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There has been a lot of hue and cry about Korean Skin care in recent times. The Koreans are known for their awesome skin and lovely hair. But not many people know that one of the biggest secrets for their skin and hair is one simple ingredient – Rice Water. 
Yes, simple rice water. Rice Water has all the essential nutrients that are needed to brighten our skin, tighten the pores, arrest hair loss and help in new hair growth. Here is a simple method of how you can make rice water at home with out spending a fortune –

Ingredients :

Everyday rice
Filtered water

Method :

You can try this on days when rice is being cooked in your home. Clean the rice in water thoroughly and then, soak it in filtered water for 30 minutes. After 30 min, gently rub the rice in that water to make it milky. Sieve this water and keep is aside in a covered container for atleast 12 to 24 hours. After it ferments, strain it and keep in a spray bottle.

For skin : You can use this as a toner after you clean your face. This helps in tightening the pores and also brightens the skin.
For hair : You can use this as a last rinse after shampoo. Or you can use it as a hair rinse. Use on your hair, apply to roots for 5 to 6 min and then, just rinse off with water. The rice water works wonders to stop hair fall and also aids in new hair growth. You can also see a shine in your hair with regular use.


The post DIY Rice Water for Hair and Skin appeared first on Grooming Craze.
